Sunday, August 20, 2006

Battletech in Singapore

Greetings to everybody! After much procrastination and gnashing of teeth after the local CBT forums keep crashing(thanks Ravi...), I've decided a group blog using blogger is the least troublesome.

So the first order of business is Vengeance Gambit. Sign up here!


Jon said...

details man details! i want to stomp some Davions!

The Wobbly Guy said...

Jon... you know some of the details already... The rest will have to wait for September.

Anyway, I'll put up a reading of the situation on New Avalon in 3073 as background material for the mission event.

juice14 said...

Mmmm hi ... thought CBT was dead in SG heh

Jon said...

CBT die? nevaaaah!

Jon said...

btw wobbo-sama, people itching to know if we using BMRr or your TW. did Fanpro come up with an oficial stand?

The Wobbly Guy said...

We're supposed to be using TW. Vengeance Gambit is an event to showcase the new ruleset. Problem is, we haven't gotten it yet!

BTW, I'll be going to Queensway tomolo to print out my TW, and then going to a printing company in Alexandra Distripark to discuss the printing of quickstart rules booklets(with nice covers!) and simple coloured mapsheets. Right now, the high entry cost for students is preventing us from expanding our pool of players.

I intend to send a copy to every JC's strategy/chess club in Singapore, and the rest can be kept at Settlers for interested customers.

juice14 said...

I play CBT online with Megamek and Mekwars very often... its how me interest is still alive... any of you SG guys out there also playing? I know there are a few although not sure how to correlate heh

The Wobbly Guy said...

I have megamek, but I don't touch it as it just doesn't compare to the feel of playing tabletop CBT. It's a nice way to keep skills sharp, tho. :D

Meanwhile, I've negotiated with the printing company, and they can supply me with 200 copies of booklets AND maps for just over 200 bucks!

The booklets will be A5 sized, with coloured covers, while the maps will be A3 sized and quarter folded. I can probably get a sample down on Sunday for all of you to look at.


Jon said...

ooh... which map? the quickstart ones or the basics?

juice: will you be able to join us this weekend?

The Wobbly Guy said...

Eh, Juice, wanna sign up as a contributor? So you can organise and coordinate megamek games here?

arch angel said...

Hi JT and Gang, how are everyone. Glad to see btechers are still playing btech in singapore. Been trying for a while to see who is still playing the game.

Although it has been some time since i played the game, i have still keep tracked of the events in the unvierse gone mad via the jihad series.

Again great to see that btech is not dead in singapore.

Hope to drop by for a game when possible.