today's battle was fast and furious, a small skirmish set in the Battle Of New Avalon. An understrength ad-hoc WoB Lvl2 faced off against a press-ganged lance of AFFS mechs. when the dust settled, only 2 Blakist mechs left the field on their own strength, having suffered serious damage. the results of this battle will have a bearing on the up-coming Vengeance Gambit scenario, giving a small starting advantage to the rampant forces of the Word of Blake.
battlerom to follow, but some initial impressions and learning points:
1) JVN-11D = si peh violent
2) never laugh at 30-tonne fire support mechs. they can be tough little bastiches. even if the designers went to give the 2 x LRM 5s ArtemisIV.
3) a de-gyro'd mech is down, but not out.
4) HSR-500-Ds are not as dumb as their earlier versions.
5) even a retreating mech, getting the shit beat out of it, can provide invaluable C3i targetting solutions
6) physicals based off piloting make hatchets and swords the pwnage! if they hit, of course...
heres the force composition;
WoB ad-hoc understrength Lvl2:
Adept Fei-hung Wong (g3p4)
Hussar HSR-500-D
Adept Jimmy 'the Hand' Sykes (g3p4)
Firestarter Omni FS9-OBugger* (custom loadout-stats to follow)
Adept Billy Williams (g3p4)
Hammer HMR-3M
Adept Prabowo (g3p4)
Buccaneer BCN-3R
AFFS Press-Ganged Lance:
Hatchetman HCT-6D
Javelin JVN-11D
Javelin JVN-11D
Stealth STH-1D
JT: could you put up a bit of fluff for these buggers? like the date/time, location, and units of origin? would help with fluffing for a battleROM.
Ravi: wanna give these guys names? was thinking that a phase-by-phase fiction-style battlerom would be fun.
battlerom to follow, but some initial impressions and learning points:
1) JVN-11D = si peh violent
2) never laugh at 30-tonne fire support mechs. they can be tough little bastiches. even if the designers went to give the 2 x LRM 5s ArtemisIV.
3) a de-gyro'd mech is down, but not out.
4) HSR-500-Ds are not as dumb as their earlier versions.
5) even a retreating mech, getting the shit beat out of it, can provide invaluable C3i targetting solutions
6) physicals based off piloting make hatchets and swords the pwnage! if they hit, of course...
heres the force composition;
WoB ad-hoc understrength Lvl2:
Adept Fei-hung Wong (g3p4)
Hussar HSR-500-D
Adept Jimmy 'the Hand' Sykes (g3p4)
Firestarter Omni FS9-OBugger* (custom loadout-stats to follow)
Adept Billy Williams (g3p4)
Hammer HMR-3M
Adept Prabowo (g3p4)
Buccaneer BCN-3R
AFFS Press-Ganged Lance:
Hatchetman HCT-6D
Javelin JVN-11D
Javelin JVN-11D
Stealth STH-1D
JT: could you put up a bit of fluff for these buggers? like the date/time, location, and units of origin? would help with fluffing for a battleROM.
Ravi: wanna give these guys names? was thinking that a phase-by-phase fiction-style battlerom would be fun.
1 comment:
As the red mist cleared from his eyes, and the adenaline began to dissipate, Adept Fei-hung Wong began to appreciate the situation. On the small hillock not 300m away from his battle-damaged Hussar the wrecked chassis of a Fedsuns Javelin lay slumped across a boulder where its XL engine had been shot out by an ERPPC. the pilot's chute had deployed successfully, and the pilot was drifting away over the far side of the hill. Adept Prabowo's Buccaneer lay crippled, but still powered-up, somewhere out of his direct line of sight. Adept Williams' Hammer, almost immobile from the heat buildup aggravated by a freak penetrating shot into its engine, was making a careful descent down the side of a hill where it had taken up position to rain fire upon the unbelievers. and before him, hardly recognisable as a mech,was the wreckage of the enemy Stealth that had given his Lvl2 so much grief. Its pilot had staggered out of the mech, clutching her injured side, and was trying to find a place to hide from the fury of Blake. Not today. No quarter for the enemy of the Word, and despoiler of the realm that he had left behind when he had joined the Word of Blake. His fingers caressed the controls as he swung the targeting reticule in an elegant G onto the form of the crippled pilot. A simple shot, just like in basic gunnery class. Perhaps the mercy of Blake would be shown after all, he mused, in the form of a death swift and painless in stark comparison to the carnage of the battle before. Refocussing his tired mind again to the enemy before him, the digital zoom of the Hussar's advanced HUD allowed him to briefly register that the pilot's hands were both raised in a gesture of surrender as he pulled firmly on the trigger. No matter. Blake's will be done in the simplicity of an ERPPC bolt.
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