Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Recent Events

Uhm, nothing to do with recent real life events(as much as they suck. Norks with nukes. Urgh.), and everything to do with our game.

The latest version of Megamek is out. I tried to run it, but it's too slow. The 30.11 version is still the most stable. I mainly use it for bot testing, although strangely enough, my home PC can't run the bot for more than 3 minutes before the bot shuts down. So I'm actually using my school-issued tablet PC for this... when I doing other work, of course! It's cathartic to pit the stoopid bots against each other and see them come up with the darnest moves.


Backing into the frontal firing arc of an enemy that had already moved.

Charging into an enemy ECM bubble.

Attempting to stand on a damaged gyro when there's no immediate danger.

And countless others. But if it's bot against bot, at least their stupidity cancels out.

Onto other news. Jon and me were training in the use of VTOLs and C3, and I gotta say the Mantis and Pintos are nasty pieces of work. Although with 4/5 pilots, the VTOLs do tend to sideslip...

Finally, I'm negotiating with the Settler's Katong people for the 29th October Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event. But I need players!

The Wobbly Guy


Jon said...

showtime tomorrow! will WoB do better than the last game?

Jon said...

hi kuan yu. were you on the old boards?

arch angel said...

any more games coming up? would getting the new total warefare rule book...

arch angel said...

Hi this is damien

Jon said...

hi damien, dont know if you remember me! guess its kinda late posting this but we got a game on 051106 1400hrs at katong settlers. story-line game affecting the direction of CBT fluff and fiction to come.

Total Warfare reached PI as of friday night. its good stuff. glossy pages, colour pictures and diagrams all the way, fluffy interludes, and mich clearer rules examples.

arch angel said...

Hi Jon,

I would try to make it down to settlers problem...see you there later.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (at end of turn 5)

Pre match deployment:

WoB: Jon and Guan Yu
Fedsuns: Kenneth and Jeffrey

Maps: 6 (for identification purpose, maps would be posted later, so bear with me)

WoB Deployment:
1) Target Buildings (2 CF150 Level 1 buildings) were deployed at map 6.
2) Bulk of the WoB were deployed among the rolling hills of map 5 except for a squad of purifier BA was deployed in heavy woods of map 2.
3) Overall deployment suggested WoB would like to draw the Fed in before making use of the C3i network to inflict damage. However, a mobile force of a grim reaper and 2 wraiths were deployed near to the edge of map 5 to protect against any potential flanking by the Feds.

Fedsuns Deployment
1) Feds chose to deploy via map 3 as their home edge.
2) Deployment is via movement in turn 1

Tune in for the battle report.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 1)

WoB won the INT

Summary of movement

1) Technically the assaults and heavies (3 Devastastor / 1 Thunderhawk / 1 Black Knight / 1 JD* Battlemaster) proceeded as a major battle group in from top edge of map 3
2) Group 2 consists of 2 sunder / 1 partisian tank / 1 Schiltron tank / 2 templars / 2 thantos proceeded in from side edge of map 3.
3) Group 3 consists of 2 Pegasus hover tank / 1 mantis VTOL / 1 cavalry VTOL / 2 Legionnaire formed a flank force to attempt to reach the target buildings.

WoB movement
1) On advance hill A, 2 king crab and 1 purifier squad held their ground.
2) Fast response of 1 grim reaper and 2 wraiths held their ground in preparation of any flanking movement
3) A Vanquisher, stealth marauder and toyama formed tac group 2 on hill B and held their groups in response to Feds movement. A MD purifier squad also remained in cover as infantry support for group 2.
4) A legacy supported a stealth crusader and a viking on hill 3 as a fire support option. Just packed in front of them, is the vehicle group 4 of a brutus / puma / partistian.
5) An advanced scout group of a white flame and Buccaneer jumped forward to try to make use of their C3i network to inflict some damages on the infidels Feds.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 1)

Firing and Resolution Summary

The mass firepower of the wobbies targeted the unfortunate thantos in front; although the firepower was massive, the thantos still remained active.

The feds reprociated the favor by shooting everything at a King Crab on Hill A. Although massing close to 10 gauss rifles, only 2 managed to find their mark on the massive mech.

PS1: JD= Marshal of Armies Jackson Davion
PS2: Fedsuns forgotten to move in their BA in the first turn

The first shots were fired, yet more ferocity would come on...remember to stay tuned.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 2)

Fedsuns won INT

WoB Movement summary
1) Group 1 of the 2 KC plus purifiers would remain put.
2) Group 2 (fast response of GR/2W) would also remain put.
3) Group 3 of Van/T/SM/MD purifier squad would stay to wait for better opportunities.
4) Group 4 of Leg/Crs/Vik and the vehicle would also stay put.
5) Group 5 of Buc/WhFl would pull back in face of overwhelming Fedsuns forces.

Fedsuns Movement
1) Finally the Feds BA would come in, with intents to join group 2 of 2 Sun/1 Sch/1 Par. (group 2a)
2) As for rest of group 2, 2 Tem/2 Than would move forward in order to disrupt WoB C3i network through ECM jamming. (group 2B)
3) Group 3 of 2 peg/1 man/1 cav/2 lgns would continue to do a flank movement to towards to the middle of map 2.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 2)

Fedsuns Movement
4) Group 1 of 3 Dvs/1 TH would continue their relentess march forward while JD hanged back to consider his options.

Firing and Resolution phase

WoB: They would continue to focus on the weakened thantos, however their holy efforts still could not bring it down. Furthermore the jamming of their C3i network prevented much firepower from finding their mark.

Fedsuns: King Crab B became the peppered crab of choice in turn 2 where the massive firepower of all the fedsuns group 1/2 combined to serve a tasting dish. But to the disappointed of the crew, the King Crab still stand firm due to some waylaid shooting.

If u are carving for more, just stay tuned for more from the battlefront.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 3)

Fedsuns still won INT

WoB Movemenet
1) The KC and purifier squad of grp 1 move gallantly forward to try to see off the Feds.
2) In response to flanking Feds, both wraiths advanced into map 2 to see to the pegs while GR just jumped to in touch with the buildings.
3) Grp 3 / 4 and vehicle remained in place.
4) The Buc and the flame jumped to map 4 to see whether they can try to flank the feds.

Feds Movement
1) Grp 1 became bigger with the inclusion of the 2 templars. Together they occupy the central hills in map 2 while again JD was at the back.
2) Feds BA continued their forward movement and mounted one of the sunder while they(grp 2a) remained in place.
3) Grp 2b split into two with the damaged thantos still moving forward to jam the wobbies C3I network while the other thantos went off to try to head off the buc and flame.
4) Grp 3 of the flanking force saw the VTOLs and the hover units (into map 1) leaving the Legionnaries behind in map 2.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 3)

Firing and Resolution phase

WoB: They continued to punch holes in the thantos ahead, but still by toyama, they can't bring it down. As for the wraiths, they took out on one of the pegs, damaging in to make driving much more interesting.

With much of firepower geared to hill a, a hellstorm of MRM, LRM, lasers and gauss rifles savagely wounded both KCs where one of the arms of one KC became shredded mymnors. As for the wraiths, one of them lost a leg and the ever so faithful went to sleep for his efforts in trying to keep the mech up.

If u thought this was hell, then u r very wrong as more is to follow.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 4)

Fedsuns still had INT in their hand, forcing the WoB to commit

WoB Movement Summary
1) The buc and white flame pulled back to give the KC and purifier some support, though not by much.
2) Grp 2 / 3 and the vehicles still remained in position.
3) The GR took up position next to M2 (target) while the unhurt wraith took off in pursuit of the pegs.

Fedsuns Movement
1) The second BA squad mounted onto the other sunder which remained in firing support with the others of grp 2a.
2) As for grp 1, they seen content to advance around the cental hill in map 2. However suddenly one templar charged forward towards hill a of map 5 which 2 KC stood. JD still remained out of touch behind the wall of metal of grp 1.
3) The 2 Legionnaires pushed forward towards the fallen wraith while 2 pegs continued their journey towards M2 (target). Somehow due to the wobbies songs playing, the 2 VTOLs were paralzyed and failed to move up accordingly.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 4)

Firing and Resolution Phase

WoB: All pent up frustations took its toll on the lone charging templar where one of its leg was blown to kingdom hell. As for the damaged peg, the wraith and gr only managed to scratch more armor off.

Fedsuns: Suddenly with a flash, the Feds warmed up their guns and took the KCs out; one was destroyed while the other lost a gryo and fell on the spot. M2 (target) took all the pegs can throw at it and the interior structure was showing after wards (48 points damage). As for the 2 legionnaries, they failed to finish the downed wraith off.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 5)

Finally it appeared the WoB would INT, but the Fedsuns forced the issue and took INT.

WoB Movement
1) The KCs down, the purifier squad started to pull back.
2) The Toyama flanked the Van while covering the withdrawal of the Marauder.
3) The buc and the flame joined the grp 3 units together while the Viking took a step back.
4) The wraith continued to follow the wounded peg while the GR reposition itself to meet the VTOLs straight on.
5) The lone purifier squad in map 2 move across to try to intercept the 2 legionnaries.

Fedsuns Movement
1) The wounded thantos took up position in the woods (map 2) across the hill b in map 5 to act as a scout and to make use of C3 network.
2) The grp 2a pushed forward with the KC down. The flanking thantos took up position close to down KC.
3) Group 1 continued their approach around the central hill in map 2 while the other suriving templar went to act as a bodyguard to JD. In response to news of wobbies reinforcements, JD pulled back to consider his options.
4) The 2 legionnaries continued their journery forward to flank the wobbies. As for the 2 VTOLs, a wake up call from JD,proplled them forward to close to M2. Finally the 2 pegs moved closer in to M2.

arch angel said...

Vengeance Gambit: Riposte event Update (turn 5)

Firing and Resolution Phase

WoB: After scanning the Feds for openings, they decided to focus on a wounded Devastator; throwing most of the firepower at it. Although the Dev got exposed in the torso area, no other critical but a lose of a PPC happened. As for downed wraith, it managed to hurt the legionnaire with 2 medium pulse lasers. The other legionnaire was warmed to the touch of the Viking via missiles while the lone purifier squad fail to hurtit. Finally the peg was put to the sword of the true believer after a long chase by the other wraith and through the help of the GR. As for mantis VTOL, the partisian tank managed to hurt it slightly.

Fedsuns: Considering the fact reinforcements are coming through for the wobbies, JD ordered the attack on M1 through the firepower of grp 1. M1 was destroyed through a mixture of missiles and gauss rifles. The Van on the hill b in map 5 was surprisely put away courtesy of gauss rifle shot blowing its head away, when it took 3 turns of firing to pepper off a KC. As for M2, the combined firepower of 2 pegs and 2 vtols reduced it to bare structure left (18 points left). As for the legionnaires, they turned frying the purifiers squad with the result of wounding one. However the bad news was one of the legionnaries' RAC jammed up in the process.

PS: Game stopped due to lateness of day, would be continued.
The fate of the game still hangs in the balance as the reinforcement of WoB would make appearance in turn 6. Would it be enough to hurt the Feds? Remember to check in for more updates......

Jon said...

headcapped the vanksquisher? oh bugger... quite amazed the downed TR1 managed to revive though.

kuanyu: have all the vees been removed from the back of the map?

arch angel said...

Jon: After u and kenneth left, the the dice rolls of jeffrey went much better, resulting in potential criticals for van CT and landing a first ppc shot to the head, followed by a gauss rifle. Honestly, we were all surprised with it. Presonally i was thinking the van can survive for at 1 least more turn